Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A summarized version of my refutation of Glenn Beck and Evangelical Christian liar Joel Richardson's claims against Islam and Islamic beliefs about the end times

This post will be a greatly condensed, summary version of my first post that refuted the claims of Glenn Beck and his host Joel Richardson trying to falsely tie the Muslim belief in Imam Mahdi to what these cult-like Evangelical Dispensationalist Christians (and in Beck's case Mormon) hacks try to claim is the traditional Christian theological view of the Christian "Antichrist"

A traditional Twelver Shi'a Muslim source on Twelver Shi'ite Muslim beliefs concerning Imam Mahdi and the end times according to Twelver Shi'ite Islamic theology:
This above link is a free book available online written by one of the greatest modern Twelver Shi'a Muslim scholars: Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr of Iraq who was martyred on April 9, 1980 by forces of the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. A photo of the martyred Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr of Iraq.

Here is also a good brief writing containing the traditional Sunni Muslim view of the reality of the blessed Imam Mahdi and the end times according to traditional Sunni Muslim theology.  The link comes from a Twelver Shi'a Muslim website, but uses only traditional, respected, and largely accepted Sunni Muslim sources:

Now, here again is part 3 of 3 of Glenn Beck's Fox News show on February 17, 2011 wherein he interviewed an anti-Islam hatemonger named Joel Richardson: who is also a Dispensationalist Evangelical Christian hack and self-proclaimed alleged "prophet" who tries to claim the Muslim figure of Imam Mahdi, who will join with the Muslim Prophet Jesus (PBUH), in the end times when the righteous Muslims will be fighting the Islamic theological view of the Antichrist called the Dajjal (or more correctly the Masih ad-Dajjal or "False Messiah")

Again, Part 3 of 3 of Glenn Beck's lies on his February 17, 2011 Fox News show.

Here again is the screenshot of Glenn Beck's infamous chalkboard from this February 17, 2011 edition of his Fox News show.  The chalkboard contains the assertions of Glenn Beck, who is again trying to claim the Muslim belief in the Mahdi (an accepted belief among both Sunni Muslims and Twelver Shi'ite Muslims, who make up nearly 100% of the modern Muslim world or Ummah of around 1.5 billion people)

Now my summarized, condensed refutation of Glenn Beck and his Evangelical Christian guest Joel Richardson's false claims against the Muslims and our Imam Mahdi who, along with the Muslim Prophet Jesus (PBUH), will lead the righteous Muslims against the evil Dajjal (Antichrist) in the end times.

1) Glenn Beck's chalkboard and guest Evangelical Christian liar and hatemonger Joel Richardson first claim the Christian theological view of the Antichrist will allegedly see the Antichrist killing Jews and Christians.  This is completely inaccurate as traditional Christian theology only speaks of the Antichrist in Christian theology oppressing and killing Christians!  In fact according to the Christian New Testament those who do not accept Prophet Jesus (PBUH) as the Messiah and do not believe in his return are themselves the Antichrist! From the Christian New Testament Bible: 2 John 1:7- I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. (NIV Bible).  This verse from the New Testament has to mean Jews are themselves the Antichrist (or his followers) as Judaism openly disbelieves in, rejects, and reviles Prophet Jesus (PBUH) as a "false Prophet" and declares his mother the blessed Virgin Mary (PBUH) an alleged "whore": Allah forgive me for repeating the Jews lies against Jesus and his blessed Virgin Mother.

  As for the second part of this first claim on Beck's chalkboard, Muslims (both Sunni Muslims and Twelver Shi'ite Muslims) and Islamic theology (from both schools of thought within the religion of Islam) do not say anything about Imam Mahdi or the Muslim Prophet Jesus (PBUH) allegedly killing "Jews and Christians" in this end times period or Messianic age.  Actually Islamic theology and Muslim belief is quite clear that the vast bulk of the world will freely revert (or convert) to the religion of Islam.  This is especially true of Christians who will be instructed by the Muslim Prophet Jesus (PBUH) to follow his religion of Islam (monotheism and worshipping God alone), we Muslims belief Prophet Jesus (PBUH) will among other things break the Christian "cross" and condemn today's modern Christians for their worship of him (PBUH).  Prophet Jesus (PBUH) will say he is only a human and he is a Muslim worshipping Almighty Allah and following the religion and Shari'ah or law of the final Prophet: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).  Many Jews will also revert (or convert) to Islam in this end of times period as they will realize the truth of the religion of Islam and accept this reality.  The Muslim belief is that Imam Mahdi and the Muslim Prophet Jesus (PBUH) will only fight and kill those evildoers who ally themselves to the evil Dajjal (Masih ad-Dajjal, "False Messiah") who is a servant of Satan.  Again according to Islam belief most Jews and Christians will revert (convert) to the religion of Islam so Imam Mahdi and Prophet Jesus (PBUH) will certainly NOT "kill them"!

2) Glenn Beck's chalkboard next claimed that Christians allegedly believe the Christian religion's Antichrist will allegedly "rule the earth" for a period of "seven years".  This claim is false and found nowhere in the Bible (neither in the Old Testament or the Christian's New Testament).  This claim presented by Glenn Beck and his guest the Evangelical (so-called) Christian hack Joel Richardson comes only from a movement or "cult" within modern Christianity called "Dispensationalism":
Here is even a traditional non-Dispensationalist Christian source (and website) refuting the asinine, non-Biblical based assertions and claims that the Dispensationalists make up on their own (most often again with little to no Biblical backing or evidence whatsoever):
Dispensationalism is a very modern movement (or in many people's opinion a cult) that has only been around in the Christian world for a little under 200 years.  Dispensationalism was founded as a small movement or cult in the 1800s (aka 19th century) in the largely Christian nation of England or Great Britain.
There is again no Biblical evidence for an alleged "seven years" of worldly rule by the Christian religion's Antichrist. A good book refuting this claim of Dispensationalist Christians that the Antichrist will allegedly rule for "seven years" is this wonderful academic book End Time Delusions by author Steve Wohlberg: On page 192 of this book Steve Wohlberg refutes the Dispensationalists (and their invention of an alleged "seven year" rule of earth by the Antichrist) by saying the following: “The third frog of false prophecy is now teaching a secret rapture, seven year tribulation, futurist antichrist (sic), literal drying up of a literal Euphrates, and a literal Middle-East Armageddon involving literal armies attacking literal Jews. Dear friend this is all false prophecy….”

 As for Islamic theology and sources there are a wide variety of approximate years given by different Islamic scholars and sources (from both Sunni Muslim and Twelver Shi'ite Muslim schools of Islamic thought) for the amount of time Imam Mahdi will rule the earth as a Messianic leader who will bring peace and complete justice and goodness to the world before the end of the world and the final judgment by Allah(SWT).  Figures given for the amount of years Imam Mahdi will rule the world in complete, Messianic justice and fairness as ordained by Almighty Allah range from 5 years, to 7 years, to 9 years, to even 20 or 40 years!  There are also even narrations and interpretations given by certain classical Muslim scholars that the statements in Islamic literature that say Imam Mahdi will rule for "7 years", before he passes away from a normal human death to go to the eternal paradise of Jannah or heaven to be with Allah(SWT), are to be interpreted as each one of those "7 years" actually being equal to 20 of our human years.  So that would mean according to this Imam Mahdi will rule the earth in the Messianic kingdom for 20 X 7 or 140 years!  So Beck and Joel Richardson use a made up claim found nowhere in the Bible about the Antichrist in the Christian religion ruling the earth allegedly for "7 years" (which again has no source), and then these Islamophobic fools take one of the variants given for how long Imam Mahdi will rule the earth in the Messianic era of Islamic theology and try to make a connection.  But as I showed above they failed!

3) The next claim on Glenn Beck's chalkboard, on his Feburary 17, 2011 Fox News show, claimed that both the Christian religion's Antichrist and the Muslim holy figure of Imam Mahdi will allegedly "make peace with the nation of Israel" and then allegedly "break this peace with Israel halfway through the 7 year period of rule" (this is again the "seven year" period of rule that Beck and Joel Richardson were trying to claim is found in both Christian and Islamic literature, for my refutation of this claim just go back up to point #2 for my refutation of this false claim made by Glenn Beck and Joel Richardson).

 The claim in Dispensationalist Christianity that the Christian religion's Antichrist will allegedly make a "peace treaty" with the modern day racist, colonialist settler "nation" that calls itself "Israel" again has no Biblical backing!  It again branches of from the original scenario made up by the Dispensationalist Christian that says without any evidence whatsoever that the Christian religion's Antichrist will allegedly "rule the earth" for a period of 7 years.  The Dispensationalists then state (yet again without evidence of any sort, hope you see this pattern of lack of evidence in all the silly Dispensationalist Evangelical Christian's claims) the Antichrist will allegedly break his "peace treaty" with the state of Israel halfway through this period of 7 years or thus at 3.5 years through his alleged 7 year reign.  Again all this gibberish made by the Dispensationalism movement in American Evangelical Christianity, stated by fools like Joel Richardson and his friend the Mormon Glenn Beck of Fox News, has no evidence or actual source anywhere within the Bible or even traditional Christian theological literature of history.

 Then as for Muslims and Islamic beliefs, there is absolutely no Islamic source whatsoever that claims Imam Mahdi will make any form of "peace deal" with any modern nation state especially not a state called "Israel"!  Since there is no evidence of an alleged "peace deal" to start with, there will be nothing for Imam Mahdi to allegedly "break" halfway through to being with: which completely torpedoes this false claim of Glenn Beck and his guest Joel Richardson.

4) The next claim made on Glenn Beck's chalkboard is that the Christian religion's Antichrist will allegedly rule the earth from his "global seat" at the "Temple Mount" in Jerusalem, Palestine.  The quick refutation to this claim is firs there is no evidence or mention in the Bible that says the Christian religion's Antichrist will allegedly rule the earth from a "global seat" (or headquarters at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem).  This is yet more ideology created out of nothing by the Dispensationalist Evangelical Christians themselves, which again has no authentic source within the Bible or real classical Christian theological literature of history.

 As for Islam, Islamic sources declare again that Imam Mahdi and the Muslim Prophet Jesus (PBUH) will lead the righteous Muslim forces blessed by Almighty Allah against the evil forces of the Dajjal (Masih ad-Dajjal or the "False Messiah") and his evil followers who will be the soldiers of Satan on this earth.  The pious Muslim forces lead again by their leader Imam Mahdi and the returned Prophet Jesus (PBUH) who is a Muslim will fight, defeat, and kill the evil Dajjal and his wicked forces.  Muslim sources do say this battle will happen in Palestine and the Muslim holy city of al-Quds (Jerusalem) will be in Muslim hands.  This is quite natural as all three Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) place great importance on the holy city of Jerusalem (al-Quds) and belief the righteous party will rule the holy city of Jerusalem.  We as Muslims believe that Islam and the Muslims will regain our right over the holy city of al-Quds (Jerusalem) as we are the inheritors of the Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them) and Islam is the final divine religion sent by Allah(SWT) the One Almighty God!  

Picture of Haram al-Sharif (The Noble Sanctuary) in al-Quds (Jerusalem), Zionist occupied Palestine: this is the site the Jews call the alleged "Temple Mount".  Haram al-Sharif includes the holy sites called the Qubbat al-Sakhra (Dome of the Rock) and Masjid al-Aqsa (the Al-Aqsa Mosque).

5) Next Glenn Beck claims on his chalkboard that both the Christian religion's Antichrist and the Muslim's Imam Mahdi will allegedly, according to Glenn Beck and his lying guest Joel Richardson, "kill/behead non-believers".  This claim of Glenn Beck is also easily refuted.
  The Christian's New Testament (in the Bible) says only one thing about the Christian religion's Antichrist "beheading" anyone.  It is found in Revelation 20:4- I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (NIV Bible)  This verse (Revelation 20:4) of the Book of Revelation in the Christian's New Testament infers that Christian's would've been "beheaded" for their testimony (meaning belief in) Jesus (PBUH) and their belief in the "word of God" (according to Christian's the "Gospels" and the rest of the Christian New Testament in the Christian's Biblical canon).  This completely contradicts the first point on Glenn Beck's chalkboard that states the Christian religion's Antichrist will "kill Jews and Christians", we can see quite clearly that it is only Christians (i.e. followers of Jesus in Christian theology) that were oppressed and killed by the Antichrist: not Jews!  In fact again 2 John 1:7 of the Christian New Testament Bible actually infers that Jews themselves are the Antichrist because they reject Jesus (PBUH) as Messiah and do not believe Jesus (PBUH) will ever return to earth (that is what makes Jews followers of the religion of Judaism that rejects Jesus, and not followers of Christianity or Islam).  2 John 1:7- I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. (NIV Bible)

  As for Islamic beliefs, Muslim scholars and theological sources again state that Imam Mahdi will (alongside Prophet Jesus) lead the righteous Muslim forces against the Satanic forces of the Dajjal Antichrist (again called the Masih ad-Dajjal or "False Messiah" in Islamic theology).  The Muslims will fight, defeat, and kill the evil Dajjal and his evil forces.  Islamic sources state that virtually the whole world will revert (or convert) to the religion of Islam and thus the only people that are not Muslim or allied with the Muslim Ummah (or nation) at this time will be evildoers and Satanic followers of the Dajjal Antichrist.  As for Islamic narrations regarding Imam Mahdi allegedly "beheading" people there are none in traditional Sunni Muslim sources and the ones that exist in Twelver Shi'ite Muslim sources again refer only to the Muslims and Imam Mahdi fighting and killing the evil, satanic forces of the Dajjal Antichrist (Masih ad-Dajjal, of "False Messiah") in the end times.  

  Twelver Shi'ite Muslims do not believe any of their ahadith books (books of narration) are completely authentic (or "Sahih"), so Twelver Shi'a Muslims state every hadith in their main hadith books needs to be individually studied for its isnad (chain of narration) as even Twelver Shi'a Muslims believe even their main hadith books contain hadiths that are weak and false (having been narrated by liars and fabricators).  Lastly, there are a few small Twelver Shi'a Muslim hadiths (that have not been declared authentic) which state the Imam Mahdi will behead a large group of people who are actually deviant "Muslim" scholars!  This is something that has led to tension between Sunni and Twelver Shi'ite Muslims; as some Sunni Muslims have stated that Twelver Shi'a Muslims belief these deviant Muslim scholars that Imam Mahdi will kill (or "behead") are Sunni Muslim scholars.  Twelver Shi'a Muslims have countered this saying they believe that, if these hadith are even true or authentic to start with, they refer to Imam Mahdi fighting and killing deviant Muslim scholars from deviant Muslim groups like the Wahhabis ( who Twelver Shiite Muslims believe will thus have joined the evil forces of the Dajjal Antichrist against the righteous Muslims (who again will be led by Imam Mahdi and the Muslim Prophet Jesus) in this end of the world time period.

6) Next Glenn Beck's chalkboard mentions the "mark of the beast".  What Beck and his foolish guest Evangelical Dispensationalist Christian hack Joel Richardson, don't tell their viewers is that all legitimate academic Biblical scholars and real Christian theologians believe the "mark of the beast" or "666" mentioned in Revelation 13:17-18 was actually a historic symbol for the Roman Emperor Nero Caesar who greatly oppressed the Christians in Rome.  In the Hebrew language letters are assigned numerical values in what is called "gematria" the name "Neron Caesar" adds up to "666" in Hebrew gematria.  Some early Christian manuscripts actually have "616" in place of "666" this is because if one spells "Neron Caesar" as "Nero Caesar" in the Hebrew language that Hebrew gematria value is "616"! So the "mark of the beast" or "666" (aka "616") is actually just a code hidden in Hebrew gematria that the anonymous writer of the Christian New Testament Bible's Book of Revelation used for the Roman Emperor Nero Caesar who had oppressed and killed Christians in the Roman Empire and who according to the old Pagan beliefs of Pagan Roman citizens was allegedly a "god" who would return to earth (that is Roman Paganism belief about Nero Caesar from back in that old historical time).

 As for Islam their is one mention of a creature in the Holy Qur'an that will come at the end of times and will according to the Holy Qur'an chastise disbelievers.  We read in Holy Qur'an Surah 27 (An-Naml or The Ants) Ayah 82 (so Qur'an 27:82)- 
وَإِذَا وَقَعَ الْقَوْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَخْرَجْنَا لَهُمْ دَابَّةً مِنَ الْأَرْضِ تُكَلِّمُهُمْ أَنَّ النَّاسَ كَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا لَا يُوقِنُونَ {82}

Transliteration: Wa 'Idhā Waqa`a Al-Qawlu `Alayhim 'Akhrajnā Lahum Dābbatan Mina Al-'Arđi Tukallimuhum 'Anna An-Nāsa Kānū Bi'āyātinā Lā Yūqinūna  

Qur'an Surah 27:82- And when the word befalls them, We will bring forth for them a creature from the earth speaking to them, [saying] that the people were, of Our verses, not certain [in faith]. (Saheeh International translation)

So this دَابَّةً "creature" (called "dabbatan" or "dabbah" in Arabic, which some translate as "beast" or "beast of burden", or again "creature") mentioned in Holy Qur'an Surah 27:82 will be sent by Almighty Allah out of the earth as the end times are beginning and this creature (or "beast") will chastise or criticize the disbelievers for not accepting the truth of Islam.  This is entirely different than the "beast" spoken of in the Christian's Book of Revelation in the New Testament.  The "beast" in the Christian's Book of Revelation (putting aside the historical fact that this "beast" was the now deceased Roman Emperor Nero Caesar showing the Book of Revelation is wrong as Nero Caesar is long dead and the world is still around) was said in Revelation 13:15-18 to put a mark on all the people's right hands or foreheads so they would be allowed to "buy and sell" (i.e. perform commerce)

The only thing else mentioned about the creature (or "beast") sent by Allah(SWT) in Holy Qur'an Surah 27:82 to chastise the disbelievers in the end times, is in some Islamic hadith sources (both Sunni and Twelver Shiite Muslim).  That the creature would use two tools: one called the "staff of Moses" and the other called the "seal (or ring) of Solomon" and that one of these tools would be used to hit the nose of the disbelievers and the other would be used to make the faces of the Muslim believers bright and beautiful: by Almighty Allah's command.  There is also one Sunni Muslim hadith that just states the following:

“Abu Umaamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘The Beast will emerge, and it will mark all the people on their noses, and this mark will last, so that if a man buys a camel, and is asked who he bought it from, he will say, 'From the man with the mark on his nose.' ” (Reported by Ahmad and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, no. 322).
This Sunni Muslim hadith mentions a mark on all the people's noses, not on their right hands or foreheads! Also there is nothing that says this "mark" reported in the work of Ahmad (meaning Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and declared Saheeh or authentic by "Salafi" scholar Sheikh Al-Albani: being anything harmful and it actually says all people will get it regardless of whether they are believers or disbelievers further refuting Beck's claims!  All that will happen, according to this hadith, is that people will all have this mark remaining on their noses so much so that if someone asks a person who they bought an item (in this case a camel) from the person will answer: "From the man with the mark on his nose."  Which could be interpreted as meaning people will not be able to differentiate between people in this period around the end times.  If someone wants to know what this or some other narration means they need to ask Islamic (in this case Sunni Muslim) scholars for the interpretation and understanding.  In closing none of this has any similarity to the Christian religion's Antichrist, so Glenn Beck and Joel Richardson's silly assertions against the Muslims trying to link Imam Mahdi to the Christian religion's alleged Antichrist are completely refuted!

A good link on the clown, Joel Richardson (who declares himself an alleged "prophet") see the following link:

The Muslim Prophet Jesus (PBUH) will return to earth to join Imam Mahdi and the righteous Muslims in establishing justice and truth on the earth; and they will together defeat the Satanic forces of the Masih ad-Dajjal ("False Messiah") and his wicked followers, insha'Allah!


  1. Please feel free to give me your comments on this post, thanks!

  2. May Allah reward you for your refutation

  3. A good article showing that there is no "seven year tribulation" in the corrupted Bible itself

  4. Assalamualaikum could you do a response for Revelation 20 and about Gog and Magog supposedly coming from the four corners of the world?
